May 4, 2022

COMMUNITY -"Tremonton eases into summer with Farmer's Market"

TREMONTON - By Ellen Cook, Headliner Media Specialist, May 4, 2022

It will be food, fun and farm fresh goodies this summer as Midland Square in Tremonton plays host to locals ready to sell their wares.

Spearheaded by Sara Mohrman, owner of Main Street Mercantile, and fully sponsored by the Tremonton Arts Council and city leaders, a one-of-a-kind Farmers Market will begin on Saturday, May 7, and run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will continue to be held the first Saturday of each month through October.

Mohrman said she started the process for this unique Tremonton draw back at the beginning of the year.

“I went to the city and met with the mayor back in January with the proposal of starting a Farmer’s Market in Midland Square as a way to have a good community event, as well as bringing traffic to Main Street to help our local businesses,” Mohrman said. “I wanted to do the event partnered with the city. They loved the idea.”

Mohrman said the event is for local farmers, gardeners, bakers, bread makers, jam connoisseurs, egg experts or any artisans looking for a place to market their homemade items.

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“We will also have some live music, a couple of food trucks. It’s a little bit more than just a Farmer’s Market, but a place where we can kind of show off the talents of our community, beyond just growing produce,” Mohrman said. “This will be a way to highlight what we have locally and encourage people to shop and support those who are here locally.”

Each week there will also be a fun craft activity for youngsters. On May 7, it will be flowerpot painting with the addition of annuals as a Mother’s Day gift.

This Saturday, May 7, will also see Tremonton City Mayor Lyle Holmgren handing out pumpkin seeds, along with growing advice, for those youth who are eager to participate in the city's first every largest pumpkin contest.

Mohrman said this first week, May 7, is already “maxed out” with vendors interested in participating and there should be 25 to 30 tents set up at Midland Square.

Those who may have an interest in being part of a future Saturday event later in the summer can fill out an application, either from the city’s website or by picking up a form at Main Street Mercantile and be put on a waiting list. There is a $15 a month space fee (or $75 for the entire summer) that must be paid the Monday before the event.