Dec 16, 2020

SCHOOL – “Warming up the Mitten Tree 200 donations at once"

TREMONTON – By Tori Jones – December 15, 2020

Lynne Jensen - Photo courtesy of Teriann Hanks

Howell resident Lynne Jensen takes her talent, generosity and time to help keep others warm during winter. Just last week Lynne donated over 200 handmade hats to the Mitten Tree at Tremonton’s North Park Elementary School for those in need.

North Park Elementary teachers and staff put up the Mitten Tree each November and encourage their students and community members to donate hats, mittens and scarves. The donations are given to the Tremonton Community Food Pantry in December to be distributed to those in need in the community.

This isn’t the first year Lynne has donated to North Park Elementary or to others in the community.

“I start after Christmas each year and make a hat every day or two. For my Mother’s Day and birthday gifts, I ask my children and daughters-in-law for gift cards or money to buy yarn,” Jensen explained.

Lynne knits the hats on circular looms. She has also donated afghans to nursing homes such as the Our House assisted living facility in Tremonton.

“I do it to help the homeless and the seniors in our community,” she said.

“Lynne has supported our Mitten Tree for many years. We appreciate her hard work and love to decorate the tree with her hats. The recipients will be so grateful for them,” said Teriann Hanks, secretary at North Park Elementary.

North Park Elementary is still accepting donations to the Mitten Tree for this year. Donations may be taken to the school at 50 E. 700 N. in Tremonton until Friday, Dec. 18.

The Tremonton Community Food Pantry is located at 180 S. Tremont Street and is open for donations and patrons each Monday and Tuesday from 3-6 p.m.

Photo courtesy of Teriann Hanks