By Jessica Tanner – April 2, 2020
So far 2020 has been an interesting year. March definitely came in like a lion and quickly turned upside down for all of us.
Overnight we gained a deeper appreciation for all those in the medical field and for our teachers. Although we have plenty of funny memes to help lighten the mood and curb our fears, it seems that each day is filled with so much uncertainty.
We have had to learn to adapt and for all our social butterflies it’s not an easy task. This situation is not ideal and my heart breaks for all the seniors missing out on their final year of high school, as well as those who missed prom, birthday celebrations and many activities that have been planned for months. Although quarantine life can be hard, I hope we are finding ways to make this time memorable.
My family and I have chosen to view it as an opportunity to grow closer and make memories. We are doing our best each day to accomplish that, but sometimes it can be hard. Some days have most definitely been better than others.
When I first heard we were being asked to homeschool our children I was thankful that mine are still little. They were enthusiastic about this news and Tanner Elementary was born.
Our days have been filled with structure led by our seven-year old who knows exactly how school is supposed to run. Our one-year old loves having school with her brothers and is always front and center. I’m grateful they have seen this as an exciting experience rather than a prison sentence.
This also seemed like the perfect time to get the puppy they have been begging for since we suddenly had no place to be. Bella has been a good addition to our family—a lot of work, but so worth it!
We have also been experiencing church from home, which has been going surprisingly well. It might be really hard to get our kids back to regular church when that time does come. We are so thankful for our church leaders who have prepared us for such a moment and for the resources at our disposal.
Being cooped up is hard on anyone, but it is especially hard on active, little boys! We get plenty of PE and spend as much time outside as we can. One day as my boys were enjoying their freedom in the sun, they rounded a corner and ran right into one another.
Jokingly my husband Andy said did that knock out your loose tooth?! Which it did! Raydon got a goose egg, while Brock had a fat lip and a visit from the Tooth Fairy—luckily, she is still making house calls.
We are also doing our best to try to document this time because one day it will become a part of our history. This is a first for all of us. Although they understand there was a situation that changed their lives, I hope when my kids look back on this time and they have happy memories.
We have been given opportunities to learn and grow closer together. To read and color, to watch shows and play plenty of Mario Kart, while staying up late and sleeping in.
These happy memories are possible because of all those who are working hard to keep us safe. Who are giving us guidance on how to slow the spread of the virus and who are doing all they can to take care of those who have been affected.
I am so thankful for those in the medical profession, who find themselves in the middle of all this chaos. We pray for you and hope you and your families stay safe.
When this is all over, I cannot wait to have a date in a nice restaurant with my husband, take the kids to play groups and have a night out with the girls. I miss high fives and hugs, but luckily am getting plenty from my little quarantine crew!
Until then I am thankful for social media and the new, sometimes interesting ways we are finding to stay connected. Hope everyone is happy and healthy!