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COMMUNITY - "A train of support for their candidate"

BOX ELDER COUNTY - November 6, 2020

Publisher's note:

The Valley Headliner -, does not endorse, promote or oppose any political party, political candidate, platform or political issues. The Valley Headliner - is an unbiased digital news company. In other words, we don't care where anyone stands on any political issue or candidate. We keep our opinions to ourselves - where they belong.

Photo by John Hurley

In the weeks leading up to the Nov. 3, 2020 Presidential Election, residents in Box Elder County got together to show their support for U.S. President Donald Trump, the Republican candidate on the 2020 General Election ballot.

What started out as a small group gathering at the Box Elder County fairgrounds in Tremonton on Sundays ended up becoming more than 200 vehicles. The group of supporters for Trump's 2020 campaign traveled south through Weber and Davis counties as others joined in on the parade.

Photos by John Hurley


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