BOX ELDER COUNTY – By Cari Doutre - October 7, 2020
My Discovery Destination! has teamed up with The Valley Headliner – for their Box Elder Fall Fun Scavenger Hunt going on now. Download the GooseChase app and enter code ZD1K9Z
Look for’s sponsored mission encouraging writers to submit their fictional “fake news” spooky Halloween articles for the chance to have yours published at
Bonus points will be awarded for those spooky articles selected by to be published. Follow on Facebook to see if yours is selected.
In 300 words or less, write a fictional article (think “fake news”) about something creepy or scary that happened in Box Elder County. It could be a haunting, a strange and mysterious event, etc. Get creative and have fun with it!
Write like you are a newspaper reporter on the scene and describe everything that happened. You can add “quotes” from witnesses at the scene and even add photos to go along with your article but be sure to keep it clean and family friendly.
Here are a couple of headline examples:
“Zombies attack trick-or-treaters at Midland Square on Halloween night”
“Scarecrow arrested for throwing candy corn atop Midland Square’s clock tower”
Email your articles to at:
Article submission deadline is Oct. 25, 2020.