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LETTER TO THE EDITOR - "Something Needs to be Done to Help Support the City of Garland"

BOX ELDER COUNTY - September 7, 2022

To whoever can help our community,

Libraries are supposed to help heal our divided, unequal society. They are about more than books, it’s a place where everyone is welcome and you aren’t required to spend money. It’s about offering something for everyone, about having access to internet and information and creating community.

The Garland City Library staff were amazing and excelling at providing these things and must feel punished for their efforts. That is not okay to us as a community. Something has to change.

They were the best librarians! It’s not fun to go to a library where you aren’t welcomed and befriended. It’s awkward. The Garland library was NOT awkward. My kids were welcome and could ask as many questions as they wanted and were always given a smile. The other local library isn’t as welcoming. The Garland Library had programs we loved participating in, and we had friends whenever we went in.

I feel like something needs to be done to help support the city of Garland and its legacy. What can we as a community do to support you who are running things? We want our library back, but we also need the employees to feel appreciated and supported in their hard work and dedication to the job they love.

Kate Lasley Thompson

Riverside/North Garland Resident


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