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NEWS - "Car burglaries bring warning from law enforcement"

Updated: May 26, 2022

BOX ELDER COUNTY - Ellen Cook, Headliner Media Specialist, May 24, 2022

It was one call after another to Box Elder County Dispatch the morning of Tuesday, May 24, as residents from Garland to Perry woke to find their cars had been burglarized during the night.

Tremonton and Garland Police Chief Brian Crockett said his officers investigated at least "27 and counting" reports of car burglaries, most of them in the Garland area. All the vehicles were left unlocked.

"We had several guns stolen from some of those vehicles," he added.

Crockett said, based on past cases of this type, the suspects are likely gang members from the Weber County area.

"We would like to remind people to lock their cars up and especially not leave any firearms in their vehicles. Leaving a weapon for them to take is literally like handing a gang member a loaded weapon."

The Sheriff's Department responded to one break-in in Honeyville, although several residents there reported suspicious activity in their neighborhoods around 3:30 to 4 a.m. There were also similar incidences in Perry.

The porch cam at one Honeyville residence caught this at 3:48 a.m. The vehicle was locked, however, so the would-be burglar left and continued through the neighborhood. Courtesy Photos


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