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NEWS - "New Promontory wildfire burns an estimated 1,000 acres"

BOX ELDER COUNTY – By Cari Doutre – June 6, 2020

Box Elder County’s latest wildfire started on Saturday, June 6, near Promontory in the southwestern portion of the county. Authorities are adding that the wildfire has already burned an estimated 1,000 acres.

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Promontory Fire, June 6, 2020 - Photo courtesy of Utah Fire Info

According to Utah Fire Info, fire crews have been fighting the blaze with 40-plus mph winds since it was first reported Saturday afternoon. While the cause of the wildfire is currently unknown, crews have been successful at protecting a doppler radar station in the area. That radar station provides weather information to media outlets in Utah.

Air and ground support have responded to the area in efforts to contain the wildfire.

Wildfire season got an early start this year in Box Elder County. For more on those earlier wildfires, click on the story link below.

For recently updated information, find Utah Fire Info’s website at:


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