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NEWS - "Why the 2020 U.S. Census is critical to the community"

TREMONTON – By Jessica Tanner – Feb. 25, 2020

With the start of a new decade means time to update the U.S. Census and Box Elder County is prepared. From that Census comes critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers and others use to provide daily services, products and support. Every year billions of dollars in federal funding go to community resources based on this data.

The 2020 census is a questionnaire that asks basic questions, including age, sex, and number of people who live or stay in your home. The process starts in March and citizens need to understand that responding is easy, safe and important.

Debby Carter, who works with the Tremonton City Library, recently attended training about the 2020 Census. She also addressed Tremonton City’s Council on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020, to discuss what they can do to help residents get involved.

“It is imperative everyone knows how important the 2020 Census is to all of us,” said Carter. “As community leaders and entrusted entities it is our responsibility to provide proper information.”

She explained that nearly $675 billion in federal funds was given throughout the U.S. for this census over a 10-year period. Since 2010, Tremonton has grown significantly and currently has a population of 8,882 people, which would allow for the community to received $88,820 of federal funding if all residents participate. According to statistics she said those of Latino origin are the most undercounted, along with children.

The 2020 Census helps determine which areas qualify for critical resources that children and families depend on for the next 10 years. This money goes toward city roads, Medicare, housing, food assistance, Head Start, childcare, public schools, early intervention service for children with special needs, children’s health insurance and much more. It is also used to determine the representation in congress.

Communities that are undercounted are at disadvantage economically and politically.

To help get people involved and educated on the census, Carter proposed hosting a citywide event. During an open house they would have computers available at the library and Senior Center, along with another possible location to help people complete the census.

“Working together for a more accurate account would help Tremonton City receive the money it deserves,” she explained. “These funds directly impact young children’s lives.”

Households will receive official Census Bureau mail in March with detailed information on how to respond online, by phone or by mail. Those who do not respond will have representatives, who go door-to-door, visit them in May to July.

For more information visit and watch for details on Tremonton City’s open house.


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