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SPORTS - "Bear River High boys' lacrosse team seniors honored"

BEAR RIVER HIGH - May 18, 2020

For every sanction sport in Utah with The Utah High School Activities Association, the spring 2020 season was cancelled after all public schools in Utah were dismissed on March 16, 2020 due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) restrictions.

What that meant for Bear River High School boys’ lacrosse teams’ graduating seniors for the Class of 2020 was a missed opportunity to finish their high school careers on the lacrosse field.

To honor those senior athletes the team has gathered letters from each of the parents of those seniors and Jennifer Bjorn, a team parent, provided individual photo shoots for the seven athletes set to graduate this month.

TJ Yeates #25

Parents: Tymer and Shari Yeates

“TJ is a one of a kind kid. He has the biggest heart and is a friend to everyone he meets. TJ has a love for his family and enjoys spending time with them. He is often found playing games with his younger siblings or cheering them on.

TJ has a deep knowledge and love for the gospel and is an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. TJ has a love for animals and can be found most evenings out playing ball with his dog Koda.

TJ enjoys camping, fishing, playing sports, and just hanging out with family and friends. TJ has always had a love for sports. Growing up he played baseball but the first time he played Lacrosse he had an instant love for the game. TJ was excited to be on the high school team and was disappointed that the season ended way too soon.

TJ, your parents are love you and are proud of the young man you are becoming and are excited to see where life takes you." - Tymer and Shari Yeates

TJ Yeates

Bracken Bjorn #88

Parents: Chad and Jennifer Bjorn

“Dear Bracken,

Well that didn’t go as planned! But the more time that passes and the way we have watched you not only adapt, but thrive, we couldn’t be more proud of you. You have been a pleasure to raise (after you turned like 4 that is ha ha).

You’re a great kid and we are proud of the decisions that you have made and continue to make. You are wise and mature beyond your years. We admire your drive and determination and feel you are headed in the right direction. Way to go Bracken! You are someone who doesn’t just let life happen to you, you take matters into your own hands and make things happen!

As for lacrosse, wow. You started a sport you had barely even heard of before, took a chance, and made it happen. Big Time! It is fun to watch you. You are like a Gentle Giant. You are super kind, thoughtful, caring, compassionate, and the list goes on.

So watching you as a big strong defender on the field was incredible. Never a dirty player, but whoever you were guarding better watch out! And they knew it! We will miss watching you play.

However, we are excited for this next chapter in your life. You are already off to fantastic start, long before you even graduate. You are making plans that we feel are a good direction for you. You’re a guy who will go places in this world while others sit by and let life happen to them. Keep up the great work son.

We love you so much and are so very proud of you. Love, Mom and Dad”

Bracken Bjorn

Caeden Miller #40

Parents: Coj and Hannah Miller


We love you! We are so proud of the man you have become and are excited for your future. We know how much you are missing your teammates, and are proud of you for continuing with your workouts and training.

We see you working hard to finish strong with school, keeping your grades up, balancing home responsibilities and launching into adult life early. So proud of how you're handling everything!

It's hard to believe you're graduating already. You came with me as a newborn to my graduate college classes and deserved the degree just as much as I did! You're our first child and brought more joy than I ever dreamed.

So grateful for what being your mother has taught me and the blessing you are in my life. So excited for you to start the next phase of your life. So many great experiences await you in the future!

So excited for you to live out your dream to go to college and play Lacrosse. Three year All State defensive player and a state championship with Box Elder. All State Football Offensive Lineman and worked hard year after year in both sports to play at the highest level. We are grateful for all the memories and people we've met from these sports - because of you!

You represent our family so well, both on and off the field. We are honored to be called your parents! You are the perfect person to represent not only your family but Bear River lacrosse as you move on to play this great game at the next level.

You've been blessed with family, friends, coaches, teachers and church leaders who love you and have supported you throughout the years.

Never forget who you are or where you came from. You've done so much to bless the lives of your family and those around you. You will have wonderful opportunities in the future if you continue to work hard, serve others and push through adversity.

You've made your parents so proud and we love you! Never forget we are your biggest fans! Love, Mom & Dad”

Caeden Miller

Carson Grover #77

Parents: Clayton and Tricia Grover


Well I can’t believe school is over for you! Although we’re glad it’s over for you too. Were so very glad you decided to play lacrosse your sophomore year since school was so boring!

Lacrosse brought you a few new friends and some great coaches too. It was so fun to watch you play even though your whole life you said you would never be tied down with sports because you wouldn’t have time to do anything else ha ha.

We were so sad that this senior year has turned out with only a couple games for you to play because you were getting into scoring some goals from behind the goalie and I know there was going to plenty more of that throughout the season.

So off to adult world you go. You're so smart and kind and helpful and you can do and become anything you want in life. But as a Mom I hope you stay close and I can see you a lot and spend time with you. Although I’m sure Dad wants your butt working all the time, right?

Have fun and do things you’ve always wanted to do. Dad and I are always here for you. We love you tons. - Mom and Dad”

Carson Grover

Tyler Howard #22

Parents: Jon and Angie Howard

“Tyler J,

It has been so fun getting to watch you playing lacrosse all these years! We have loved watching you grow from a 7th grade newbie to a 12th grade leader. It has been a joy to watch you improve your craft and share it with so many others.

We have so many great memories of you spending countless hours restringing heads, practicing moves, and hauling your net to whatever field you could find!

We are so proud of the young man you've become and can't wait to see the new adventures awaiting you! Love, Mom and Dad”

Tyler Howard

Easton Eggli #76

Parents: Chris and Cortnie Eggli


It’s hard to put into words how proud we are of Easton. He went off to kindergarten and no way did we think the time would go so fast. Every day and every year he took advantage of school. Always putting academics first, even though he was busy traveling for hockey and spent at least 8 hours in the car weekly for practices. Many days he missed school to travel across the country to play in tournaments but still maintained a 4.0 and all honors.

He represented the State of Utah 3 times at districts for hockey. He was captain or assistant captain several years and chosen for several all-star teams. He represented the state and nation playing for Utah and USA national floorball teams.

He had lots of friends from schools across the state and out of state because of hockey, but he meet some of the best kids playing lacrosse at Bear River. He played his sophomore year and took junior year off due to so much hockey travel. He was very excited to play his senior year and have it be a school-sanctioned sport.

Coach Coj was amazing and very supportive of Easton being pulled in several directions and worked with him so he could contribute to both hockey and lacrosse. Thanks coach Coj!

Academic and athletics are great, but we are mostly proud of his kindness and desire to be a good person. His desire to be Christlike and serve others is strong and in everything he does. We know he will take this desire and use it in his life.

Easton, we love you, we are proud of you and excited to see all you can do. Love, Mom and Dad”

Easton Eggli

Devin Lewis #10

Parents: Joel and Deborah Lewis


Your senior year did not go as planned; your chances to play lacrosse and participate in all of the fun senior activities were gone faster than we all could blink. However, this did not change your positive attitude. Even when you were disappointed you made the best of what you were given.

School was never easy for you, but you worked hard. You didn’t let it beat you and now look at what you have accomplished. You made it to graduation, with really good grades. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments in your life, in school and on the field! You are our hero.

We both look up to you for your dedication, hard work and can-do attitude. We can’t wait to see where these traits take you next on your mission and in life. We know you can succeed in anything you put your mind to.

You have always had the kindest heart, you know all about struggle and what it feels like to not feel you are enough. These trials have made you into the man you are and those around have taken notice. Always remember to be kind and know that you are more than enough!

We love you. - Mom and Dad”

Devin Lewis


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